2023 Plan
- Participating in global and local community initiatives,
- Road Safety Week May 2023 #streets for life #rethinkmobility (Create awareness along the 104 Highway) on 19th and 20th May, 2023
- Impact; SDG 3, 4, 5, 11, 17
- 16hrs of impact to 3400 road users.
- High 104 had claimed the lives of 15 students (Youth) within a month.
- https://nation.africa/kenya/news/pwani-university-closed-after-accident-that-killed-nine-students-three-staff-4181704
- https://citizen.digital/news/mbihi-girls-school-honours-6-students-who-died-in-naivasha-road-accident-n319094
- Innovation Challenge Launch and Mentoring
- PMI Kenya is dedicated to advancing the practice of project management and taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impact.
- This drive is in-line with SDGs 4 (Quality Education) and 13 (Climate action) respectively.
- A total 900 students attended the Innovation Challenge Launch.
- Four innovation regional launch (Mombasa, Nakuru, Kisumu and Nairobi) 28 hrs of Impact.
- Mentoring Limuru Girl in the Junior Achievers competition. The emerged the winners in the Africa Company of the Year and runners up in the Global competition. 8 hrs of Impact.
- During the Launch of Regional Innovation Challenge Launch at Menengai High School Nakuru County.
- World Environmental Week. (Activities Clean up and Tree planting).
- 16Hrs of Impact
- Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene is the most basic human need for health and well-being.
- Supporting Non for Profit Organization- YMCA and Kenya Rovers Scouts Training
- A total of 25 YMCA branch leaders and 40 Scout Rovers were empowered to train the youths they engage during their monthly activities at the branches.
- The women have secured an opportunity to make 300 bags for the PMIAC 2023. This was through the engagement of the project management life skills and Project canvas which aimed at improving their employ ability and entrepreneurship skills in projects.
- Mr. Ashinga a beneficiary of the programme started his non for profit organization focusing on sports and environmental
sustainability (https://sportsforgreenerenvironment.com/the-humming-bird-green-cup-tournament-2023/Â ), and another 10 have thriving initiatives from the project canvas presentations.
- Book donation and reading activity.
- 4hrs of impact.
- Reading and learning are essential to children’s growth and development; stories can fuel their imagination and raise awareness of new possibilities. PMIK Social impact having fun learning at Kibera Education Centre with an aim to help the students retain information better because the process is enjoyable and memorable.
- Elimisha Mtoto Kajiado Project proposal (Renovating Greenland)
- 23 hrs of impact
- Elimisha Kajiado is a project that was initiated with the aim of equipping Nairobi Academy learners with project management skills in line with SDG 4- Quality Education.
- The school sought to have a project that will not only train learners on how to manage projects but learn about social entrepreneurship. (SDG 10) This is a project that was custom-made to prepare rising leaders and change makers with more insights into service learning.
- PMI Kenya Social Impact partnered with Nairobi Academy by training the twelve students on Project Management Life skills so that they can learn the project language and build confidence in project management environment.
- Maximum Prison Outreach through Sports and social good.
- 4hrs of impact.
- About three 1600 inmates attended to watch the friendly game.
- SDG 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
- Partnerships. Africa Football Business Summit 2023 Stakeholder Engagement and Media Briefing Breakfast.
- 6hrs of impact
- This is in-line with SDG 17 – multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals.
- Pmi Kenya Social Impact attended the Africa Football Business Summit 2023 Stakeholder Engagement and Media Briefing Breakfast. Link to the video :Â https://youtu.be/SOBZqTKl7R4
- Project Life Skills Learning and Tree Planting.
- 40 hrs of impact. 53 Youth and 26 Staff from Netfund Organisation were trained.
- Training and engaging youths, encouraging them to embrace project management as a practice at an early stage.
- Training Netfund Staff of Project Management Lifeskills SDG 4. This is to support them enhance their capacity in Project management and:
- Mobilize resources for restoration and protection of critical ecosystems in kenya
- Mobilize resources for accelerating Kenya’s transition to circular economy.
- Avail resources for environmental management, support climate change and mitigation actions.